Monday, February 19, 2007

Links Revealed

As both Susan and Trav have alluded to, the link between my last 5 blog posts was in fact the mention of a member of the Barnes family in each of the posts. The first two were originally done accidentally.

I first mentioned Susan in my post about books simply because I knew that was quite keen on books and that she read my blog.
Now that I've got your attention Susan ;-)
From the post 'Books!'
Trav was mentioned out of sheer luck, as I had accidentally clicked on his blog and read a post about the same book I was reading. Not only did I mention him in the post, but he was actually the star of the title as well.
It looks like I wasn't able to complete Captivating in the few days that Trav did.
From the post 'Travis, I Have Failed You'
After mentioning two members of the Barnes family by accident, I decided to see if I could fit in the other 3 as well, and more importantly if anyone would notice. Craig's appearance was a little more forced, as I slipped this line into my post about late night laser tag.
At about 10:30 we took the laser tag gear down to our local lake although Craig didn't want to come along.
From the post 'Fire, exclamation mark. Fire, exclamation mark.'
Next up was a short post about Odyssey, and wherever Odyssey is involved you're sure to find Karen just around the corner.
My friend and youth leader Karen came around to my house last night, and she wrote out the details for the Odyssey program
From the post 'Odyssey Returns'
I was in a little bit of a worry as to how I was going to fit the last member in. Then along came Craig's engagement party, I don't know what I'd do without it. That made it a piece of (engagement) cake to mention Ross.
I spent some time talking to Craig's dad Ross, about how his new Church is going for him and how the youth are there.
From the post 'Engagement Party (Belated Post)'
And there we have it, a small experiment in continuing sub-themes in blog posts. Stay tuned for my next post as we examine what makes a good partner (you might be surprised).



Blogger Trav said...

Yep...i didn't notice until you mentioned there was a common theme and then i saw Ross in your post.

Cool...what makes a good partner. I do hope this comes from the book of relationships that im sure we were gonna get around to writing in about 2003. I trust they'll be something deeper then "giving girls the front seat."

8:02 AM  
Blogger Steff said...

Oh, nice use of foreshadowing.

1:49 PM  

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