Monday, January 22, 2007

Travis, I Have Failed You

It looks like I wasn't able to complete Captivating in the few days that Trav did. It's been a tad over a week and I'm up to chapter 8 out of twelve, which I suppose is two thirds of the way through, so it's not all that bad. I've found it to be really good so far, perhaps not quite as much of a revelation as Trav described it, but still really insightful none the less.

Anyway I took the ultra-cheap solution to my music on the way to work problems, and taped one of my CDs onto an old cassette tape I found stashed away. I had actually used it several years ago to tape some ApologetiX songs onto. Anyway, I'm planning on picking up a few more tapes the next time I'm shopping, because with an album on each side, they're not too bad to take around in my car.

I do find it ironic though that such a high tech guy like me has come to such a low tech solution.

Anyway, the whole gang is back from mission now which means Craig is back and also that the Internet is back full of people writing blogs again. I also got a small box of chocolates from Kids4Life for the help I gave them putting together their drama DVD and a couple of other little things. It makes me think why bother being on team when you can help out and get chocolate? On the other hand, buying chocolate for each and every team member would soon prove to be a waste of money and probably bad stewardship too.

Also, John my other house mate is also back from England. The whole gang is back together!



Blogger Steff said...

That's ok, I still think you're tech-tacular.

And I didn't get a box of chocolates, they were only for helpers, not team members.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

team members mostly get given chocolates to sell...

10:59 PM  
Blogger Susan Barnes said...

I've eventually caught up on my blog reading after being without my computer for a few days :(

Nice to see you've been doing some reading Stoz :)

10:32 AM  

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