Friday, December 22, 2006

Internet Holiday

Over the last few weeks I've been on a semi Internet holiday. It's not that I have anything against the Internet, it's just that I've been out a lot of nights in the last few weeks with breakups for various things, and my Wii has also kept me quite busy.

So here I return to a withering blog, 450+ e-mails, forum posts to read, a website to update and a whole bunch of podcasts to listen to. You wouldn't expect such an absence from someone like me, a hardened Internet veteran, but I can say it was nice to know that I was able to live without the Internet for two weeks.

I'm now officially on Holidays from work, and don't go back until the 8th of January. This isn't really that long a break, and unfortunately because of it I've been unable to do Kids4Life this year. Regardless, I'm sure I will still enjoy my holidays. Within a few hours I'll be driving myself off to Melbourne, and there's also a new years eve party in the works.

Here is a picture of my Christmas tree in the lounge room that Steff and I decorated.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

DarkZone Vs. ChristianLifeZone

On Monday night I got the chance to go to play DarkZone laser tag for the Birthday party of a friend of mine, Luke. I really did have a great time there, and had the laser tag experience on my mind for the next couple of days after it.

It got me thinking as to some of the similarities between DarkZone and the Christian Life. If we take some basic elements, like that there are different 'teams' and we do have 'weapons'. Beyond that, some deeper things I noticed were that if we just sat back at our base, we weren't likely to have as big an impact for the team, which means that we have to get out there, outside the Church, and not just stay bolted up inside.

Continuing on, I think that both in DarkZone and the Christian Life, it is important that if something bad does happen to us, and we do come under attack, that we don't sit out the rest of the battle. Rather we get back up (respawn) and try again.

On the other hand, one thing I noticed that was false about this metaphor was that, as of my theological knowledge, we don't go to the enemy's base as such and make any kind of raid or attack ourselves.

I'd be interested to hear any comments that you guys have about this.