Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Friends are Forever

Friends are forever, not just a night of pictionary
- Pictionary Rulebook
Above is a quote that my long time friend Steve (now at Melbourne Uni) used to say quite often, and he actually stumbled across it while bored and reading the rulebook. Before I continue on, let me just take a quick aside about the month of March.

I'm not really sure what the deal is, but as far as I can tell there just simply wasn't any March, it must have been left off all the calenders this year. That's pretty much the only explanation I can think of as to why this blog post is in April and my last was in February.

Continuing on, a few weeks back (yes, in March) I got together with some friends and we played a nice long game of pictionary. For those that know, the game works on the principal of working in pairs, then one person has to try to convey a word, object, person or action to the other member of their pair by only using a pencil and paper. Obviously no writing of words is allowed.

Those of you old enough to remember my last blog post might be wondering how this ties into examining what makes a good partner. One thought I had as I was driving home after that game of pictionary was that at times it might be frustrating to be married to someone unskilled in communicating ideas using non-standard methods. This doesn't just apply to pictionary, but also to games like taboo and charades, which I can imagine that once you're married you would be usually attending and playing these as a pair.

If you just read that and thought I said 'marry someone that draws well' then you've missed the point entirely. In pictionary simple drawings of stick people are often the best method of communication. The point I'm attempting to bring out is that it could be frustrating to be paired to someone for life that couldn't communicate in other ways.

Sorry if this wasn't the lesson in love and life that you might have all been hoping for, but hopefully it have got you to think about something you perhaps wouldn't have otherwise considered.

The funniest thing I remember being drawn that night was a monkey drawn by none other than the host of the night. The monkeys she draws have what most people would describe as wings for arms, can't take em seriously at all!
